West Lancs Charities awarded gold award
It was a pleasure to announce at Provincial Grand Lodge that the defibrillator project of providing 21 machines in 20 Masonic Halls at a cost of £21000.00 had been an outstanding public relations exercise for our Mark degree throughout the province, particularly the five off awareness meetings attended by over 400 brethren and members of the general public.
This is going to be even further enhanced as I was also able to inform all present that we have just received notification that the West Lancs Mark Charities have been nominated and given a gold award from the North West Ambulance Service through its Cardiac Smart scheme within the Chain of survival outreach into the general public.
The awards (bronze, silver and gold) will be presented to our Provincial Grand Master at a public awards presentation ceremony at Warrington Collegiate on Thursday 29th May 2014.
A report and pictures will be on the web site after the presentation.

V.W.Bro. Michael Clarke
Assistant P.G.M.
Chairman West Lancs Mark Charities